Monday 14 January 2019

4 Good reasons to Learn Something New

We spend most of our childhood life and some of our teenage life trying to cram things into our brain. For some of us it’s a chore and for others they thrive.

But there are some great reasons for learning new things and there really is no age limit for doing it.

Here are my Top Four reasons to learn something New:

Reason 1: To help our mental health - Our Brains are fragile things and they can be affected from everything from Blood clots to dementia. Learning something new has been scientifically proven to grow new Brain 🧠 cells. As with everything we use something New is better than old and battered. 

So why would you not want to generate new cells for your Noggin.

Reason 2: To help you In socialising -  There is nothing worse than finding yourself in that moment of silence where you’re stuck for nothing to talk about. However if you have a new fact or skill to discuss it can be an ice breaker at the very least. I f you’re lucky the other person may be genuinely interested in it as well and suddenly a stranger becomes a friend.

Reason 3: To aid with self confidence - The more knowledge you have the more confidence you’ll have when your faced with a challenge to overcome. You may have learned a new foreign language and it just so happens a person from that country is stuck and no one understands them, it could be anything from the basics (Directions, many a time the basics have helped me understand a conversation in Germany and France when I’ve been stuck)
To an emergency such as a medical condition ( You could just save their life). You now have the confidence to deal with it or what about first aid ⛑ (something that should be taught to everyone in school).
Suddenly while others are in panic mode you will be able to command the situation.

Reason 4: The ability to have empathy - Empathy is quite an important attribute for anybody to obtain in their life.
It gives you the ability to see things from a different point of view. Nothing in life is one sided and if you can learn something about a countries traditions or a communities way of life it’ll give you a better understanding of a situation.  If you can put yourself in the position of another and understand why they are acting the way they are you’ll be able to diffuse situations and build bridges.

So start learning something new today, set yourself a minimum goal of one new thing a day, Good luck 😉.

Oneideatoday xxx

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